Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Officially on Mat leave!

I will try to make this blog more regular now that I am at home officially on maternity leave!
I am on my second day home...and have a few more things to get done in the house before this baby can come. I would actually be okay with the baby coming any day--I'm running out of room inside very fast and I can't wait to be able to touch my toes again, or even just put socks on without difficulty!
We just got internet here at home last weekend, so this will be a trial to see if pictures will upload with our slower connection here at home. It is a bit faster than dial up, but not a whole lot, so this will be a lesson in patience for me. (Steven always tells me I have tonnes of patience!) :)

Here is the first picture that worked!! Yay! This is our baby room, all ready for baby to arrive.
I will leave it at this, because the next picture is not to thrilled about being uploaded right now!