Wednesday, April 19, 2006

...time is ticking

So I thought I would write a post here with a bit more meaning to it...(also to make certain individuals happy that I posted:))
Time is going is quite crazy to think of where it all went; but life is really wonderful at the same time. It's a time with bittersweet feelings. While I want time to stand still in some areas and I want to be able to pause on my last week of university, I do not want time to stop so that other new adventures can begin.
Tonite, I saw and experienced some of the reality of which I am delving into in the next month. It was a bit of an eye-opener...and all it was is a movie based on a book by Janette Oke. How overrated is that?
Neways...this movie was about how the daughter moves out West with her husband to establish their new life. There were a lot of parallels to my life and what the future holds. It made me think and ponder on what the future has to hold.

.. 37 days till the Alberta life begins...


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Soon to be 'Home Sweet Home'

This will be our new house in Alberta.
(karen is teaching me the in's and out's of blogging...hence the randomness:))

Hello world!

So here is the first, of hopefully many posts. This blog has been created to inform fellow Ontarians what is going on in my and Steven's life in Alberta. My roommate has coerced me into the blog world...(or lovingly convinced). I won't be posting regularily until June of this year, but be sure to check back when I become an "Albertan" and a "Werkema".